Sunday, July 20, 2014

Sorry For The Negativity

I really want to write about positive things ,but this summer hasn't really been positive. I've spent the whole thing worrying if I'm going to find a place to live before classes start at my community college. My whole summer has basically been that. I go to my part-time job and I come home and get on craigslist every day. It's been really depressing and it's made worse by when I'm on social media and I see a lot of my classmates going on trips and meeting there roommates. I just sit at home with nothing to do and a heart full of envy. I hope that once I find a place I'll be in a better mood and I can move past all this feeling sorry for myself. I want to have some fun experiences so I have positive things to blog about. Basically I'm sorry that can't come up with a positive post. Maybe you guys can help me by giving me some positive prompts in the comments. I'm really sorry guys. See you next time

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